Does Waxing Reduce Hair Growth? Y or N

By Waxing The City

Helping you ditch unwanted body hair is what we do best, along with helping you understand the in’s and out’s of waxing and its effect on your hair growth. In fact, it’s the source of some of the most common questions our Cerologists (your go-to skin gurus!) get asked. So, we’re breaking down the basics.

Hair growth after waxing

Let’s set the record straight: Waxing is one of the best ways to keep unwanted hair in check. Why? Regular waxing weakens hair follicles, so over time, your hair grows back finer, lighter, and way sparser. That old myth about waxing making hair thicker? Consider it officially busted. While some post-wax hair regrowth can appear thicker or darker, it’s just the visual contrast of new hair growing against the skin — not a thicker hair follicle.

Woman in a blue bikini lying on a beach blanket with a book in hand.

Understanding the hair growth cycle

When it comes to the idea of reduced hair growth post-waxing, it’s helpful to take a step back and get familiar with the basics of the hair growth cycle as a whole. 

No matter where it’s found on the body, hair growth is a continuous cycle of four stages:

  1. Growth
  2. Regression
  3. Rest
  4. Shedding

According to a 2023 study, every hair follicle cycles independently, with each going through 10 to 30 cycles in a lifetime. While the size, shape, and life cycle of each hair follicle varies by type — from scalp to toes — the four growth stages are the same.

Graphic of the hair growth stages.

Stage 1. Get growing

Welcome to the anagen phase — also known as the growth stage! This is when hair growth is in full swing, lasting anywhere from a month for brows to up to four months for legs, making it the longest part of the hair cycle. While everyone’s hair growth patterns are unique (thank you, hormones and genetics!), this stage is prime time for hair removal. Waxing during the growth stage means the hair shaft will be removed from the root during the only time in the cycle when hair is connected to the dermal papilla, aka its food source. Regular waxing during this phase helps slow down hair growth over time. 

Stage 2. Regression session

The catagen phase is when the hair shaft hits pause and stops growing after detaching from its food source, the dermal papilla. This stage lasts just a couple of weeks, but it’s also when you might notice a few post-wax hairs making their comeback. Consider this stage a built-in reminder to make your next waxing appointment a couple of weeks out!

Stage 3. Rest up

The resting stage, called telogen, is the end of hair development. Depending on where the hair is on your body, this stage can take several weeks to several months. While these hairs are resting, new hairs below them are beginning their growth stage, helping to push hair into the next phase (spoiler: shedding!).

Waxing during this stage isn’t ideal since new growth underneath can’t be reached yet. Now, here’s the catch — because everyone’s hair grows at different rates, there’s no way to pinpoint exactly when your hair is in this resting stage. That’s why consistent waxing is key! By staying on schedule, you can catch more hairs in their growth phase over time, leading to finer, sparser regrowth. As always, your Cerologist can help guide you on the best waxing routine for your unique hair cycle and needs.

Stage 4. Don’t dread the shed

Exogen is the final curtain call — when old hairs get the boot, pushed out by fresh new growth. It’s also a perfect time to schedule your next wax! For most, it takes about 3 to 4 weeks for a typical leg or bikini wax to grow back, so staying on top of your routine during this stage means smoother, longer-lasting results.

Related: How Long Does a Waxing Last?

Waxing and healthy skin

Worried waxing might be tough on your skin? No need! While waxing removes a harmless amount of surface skin cells along with the hair, think of it as a bonus exfoliation that leaves your skin feeling smoother and healthier than ever.

Caring for your post-wax skin is key since your skin may be sensitive and irritated for a short time after, especially so for more tender areas like underarms and bikini line. Our studios are filled with the best products in skin care, and your Cerologist can help you select products that will keep ingrowns at bay and help your skin feel healthy and fabulous every day.

Another way waxing keeps your skin healthy and glowing — and slows hair growth — is that it helps reduce ingrown hairs. Ingrowns happen when hair curls back into the skin instead of growing straight out, and since waxing removes hair from the root, they’re way less likely compared to shaving, which just cuts the hair at the surface.  

Far from a warm-weather event, waxing is a must for any time of the year, helping keep your skin smooth and glowing and providing that confidence boost when the weather might be less than perfect. After all, consistent waxing throughout the year leads to reduced and/or finer hair growth over time.

Related: Benefits of Waxing Year Round

Common hair removal treatments

While waxing is our obvious favorite for smooth, long-lasting results, there are plenty of other options out there when it comes to removing unwanted body hair. From facial fuzz to leg hair, here are a few other common treatments people explore:

  • Lasers
  • Electrolysis
  • Sugaring
  • Creams 

Some of these methods can reduce hair growth over time, but each comes with its own set of pros and cons. Curious about what’s best for you? Check out our blog for more details or talk to one of our Cerologists to find the perfect solution for your skin and hair goals!

Related: Sugaring vs. Waxing: The Key Differences Explained

More ways to keep your skin healthy

While waxing is your skin’s BFF for smoothness, here are a few daily habits to help keep that radiant, just-waxed glow going:

  • Stay hydrated, inside and out
  • Feed your glow with well-balanced nutrition 
  • Catch those Zzz’s — beauty sleep is a real thing
  • Keep moving with regular exercise
  • Make time for self-care, whether it’s a walk, a good book, or an appointment with us for some serious TLC

Woman in a bright room drinking a glass of water.

Does waxing reduce hair growth? A recap

OK, if you’re still wondering, “Yeah, so, does waxing reduce hair growth?” let’s take a quick look back at the key points of how waxing affects hair growth. And remember, while waxing can help slow hair regrowth over time, it doesn’t permanently stop it.

Waxing works by fully removing each hair from the root, which weakens the follicle over time and can lead to finer, sparser regrowth. Consistently waxing during the crucial growth phase gives you the best, longest-lasting results every time.

Ready to see how waxing can slow hair growth for yourself? Find the WTC location nearest you to get started. Bonus: If you’re new to Waxing the City, you’ll get 20% off your first wax.

Head over to our FAQs for answers to more questions like, “Does waxing make hair thinner?”